Confirm sales (in certain cases)?
Please forgive me if this has been suggested before; I couldn't find anything in a forum search, but I wasn't sure which search terms would be most effective so I could easily have missed something.
I was rapidly clearing out my inventory after a rare trip to the Fissure of Woe today, and accidentally sold one piece of a second set of armor I was carrying around in my belt pouch. Oops! I wonder if something could be done to minimize the chances of something like this occurring. Anyone who's played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic will recall that the game asked you to confirm your choice whenever you chose to buy or sell an item worth more than X credits. This wouldn't work in Guild Wars since the amount of gold an item brings from an NPC merchant often has no relation to its actual value (e.g. my armor had a Superior Vigor rune on it and sold for almost nothing). As an example alternative, perhaps the game could ask you whether you're sure about what you're doing when you attempt to sell an item that (a) is customized, (b) has one or more salvagable mods attached to it (sword hilts, staff wrappings, etc.), or (c) is a green item. This might need to be tweaked a little, but it's just an example. Players who found this to be more of a nuisance than a useful check against mistakes could perhaps disable it via a checkbox in the control configuration dialog. What do you guys think?